Stuart Ball

Stuart Ball is an award winning independent Digital Learning Specialist delivering high-quality ideas and innovation. He possesses 28 years of providing education, with 10 of those with Microsoft. There he was responsible for successfully delivering high-quality ideas and executable plans, with the proven ability to achieve the smooth integration of creativity and technology. He is a skilled strategist, capable of identifying areas of need in education, driving change, increasing efficiency and facilitating competitive growth.

His passion is in bringing educational opportunities to students through teachers worldwide and his objective is to consistently develop professional training strategies and content creation through such avenues as Coaching. He delivers workshops through to multi day conferences. He is recognised for leveraging education, experience and social media to support and evangalise technologies in the classroom with the focus on teacher programmes and learning experiences. A couple of his most recent accomplishments include:

  • BETT Award Winner 2014 for the Kodu Kup Programme – Best Free resource
  • Delivery of the BBC micro:bit programme
  • Original member of Hwb working party
  • Built O365 learning environment for the Microsoft Showcase classroom
  • Project managed a national teacher community

Stuart Ball

Mae Stuart Ball yn Arbenigwr Dysgu Digidol annibynnol sydd wedi ennill gwobrau am gyflwyno arloesedd a syniadau o ansawdd uchel.  Mae ganddo 28 mlynedd o brofiad o ddarparu addysg, gan dreulio 10 o’r rhain gyda Microsoft.  Yno, roedd yn gyfrifol am ddarparu syniadau o ansawdd uchel a chynlluniau gweithrediadwy mewn ffordd lwyddiannus, ac roedd ganddo y gallu sicr i integreiddio creadigrwydd a thechnoleg mewn ffordd esmwyth.  Mae’n strategydd medrus sy’n gallu nodi meysydd o angen ym maes addysg, ysgogi newid, gwella effeithlonrwydd a hwyluso twf cystadleuol.

Mae’n teimlo’n angerddol am ddwyn cyfleoedd addysgol i fyfyrwyr trwy athrawon ar draws y byd a’i amcan yw datblygu strategaethau hyfforddiant proffesiynol a chreu cynnwys mewn ffordd gyson trwy gyfrwng llwybrau megis Hyfforddi.  Mae’n darparu gweithdai i gynadleddau ar draws sawl diwrnod.  Caiff ei gydnabod am ddylanwadu ar addysg, profiad a chyfryngau cymdeithasol er mwyn cynorthwyo ac efengylu technolegau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, gan ganolbwyntio ar raglenni athrawon a phrofiadau dysgu.  Mae rhai o’i gyflawniadau mwyaf diweddar yn cynnwys:

  • Ennill Gwobr BETT yn 2014 am Raglen Kodu Kup – adnodd Am Ddim Gorau
  • Darparu rhaglen micro:bit y BBC
  • Un o aelodau gwreiddiol gweithgor Hwb
  • Creodd amgylchedd dysgu O365 ar gyfer ystafell ddosbarth Arddangos Microsoft
  • Rheolodd brosiect cymuned athrawon cenedlaethol